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Monday, August 13, 2012

Carboard Projects

 For Christmas Kaden's stocking was filled with lots of crafty things, puzzles and small gadgets.  This cool race car puzzle was one of them.

After many long minutes of fiddling around with this cardboard contraption "we" finally finished it.  Kaden refused to use glue, so it was a wobbly situation from beginning to the end.

In the end his smile was all worth it!  Even though we had to eat hard, burnt fish sticks because we lost track of time.  :) 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A little of This and That

Photo: Pick Me! Pick Me!
We are getting ready this week for my Sister and her youngest Son to fly out from NC this weekend.  Kaden is happy to meet his Aunt and Cousin for the first time.

Little Kaden has hit a growth spurt I think.  Sleepy boy all the time and eating more then usual.

Photo: Too Early for Kaden  Here we had to wake up early to complete our last step in receiving a service dog.  It doesn't look like it here, but he really was excited.  He's not a morning person unless we are trying to sleep in.  HAHAHAHAHA