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Monday, February 25, 2013

President's Day Cotton Balls & Jelly Beans

We are on the way to recovery....I swear it has been the longest road.  I feel like I could have recovered from 2 addictions by now and I'm still fighting a Kidney infection.  Blahhhhhhhh!
That being said even though sickness has plagued the whole house school must go on.  We celebrated President's Day with a whole Unit Study.
Kaden actually enjoyed the cutting and gluing most, coloring not so much.  I had him practice his writing skills and copy work.  He has a hard time with spacing his words out and writing so fast that it looks more like lines and scribbles then letters.  So, every day we do some form of writing, even on the weekend.

Mahala read books about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  Kaden was interested in all the dates and weaponry mentioned.  Mahala was just thrilled that this not only counted for History, but her 1 hour of reading time.  :)  We completed a fun lapbook which included some pretty cute jokes.  And then made fingerprint cherry trees and Mr. Washington with the ever so expected cotton ball hair.  They also wrote what they would do if they were President.  Kaden wrote that he would play video games all day and have someone cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for him.  I looked at him and said, "Well Hello Mr. President".  He looked at me like I had jelly beans coming out of my nose.
That's Homeschooling life with Kaden though, you never know what he's going to say or do.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Nasty Flu has Never Looked so Cute!

This is the look of a 6 year old who is determined to have a cupcake despite the 101 degree fever and a hellish flu he has strapped to his back.  See it there, right under his fleece blanket cape.  We all have suffered this damn flu and honestly is has kicked this Family's booty!!!!  I have 10 days under my belt, so today is the first day I feel human again and the first day I could actually taste my coffee!!!!  YAY!!!!
Just wanted to share a pic of my sweet Birthday boy!!!  Unfortunately I have no other pics to post, one pic was all I could muster up enough energy for.  :(  The good news is because we didn't get to truly celebrate like we wanted, once we are all well we are going to have a Birthday "Do Over".  I'll have more to share then.  Stay well!!!