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Friday, October 5, 2012

Angry Birthday!!!

 A few months before Kaden turned 5 we knew there was a diagnosis of some sort right around the corner.  It just seemed to have taken more months then it would to turn water into wine to get an appointment!  Kaden is very hard to impress, each Holiday or Birthday we know the drill.  Slight smile, unwrap gifts, slight smile, maybe a fact about the gift, stack gifts, throw trash away and then a dash upstairs and spend the next hour organizing the gifts in their boxes on emptied shelves.  This is how it's went down every since he was 2.  But we just can't help it, we keep trying with every event BIG or small.  Operation Impress Kaden!!
 This year Mahala ans Skylar made him an Angry Bird Birthday sign. They also lined the stairs with streamers and blew up 50 balloons.

  I made him a pancake in the shape of a five and covered his chair with balloons and streamers.
 This is a face you HAVE to LOVE!!!!!  He enjoyed the pancake and couldn't wait for presents.  This year we bought him some tracks for his cars, two remote control cars, clothes and books.  He loved his angry bird shirt and the books were read and reread.  The car tracks have never been touch since the paper was ripped off.  The remote control cars were enjoyed, but 3 months later I have to admit we couldn't find them anywhere.  ??????
 He Begged me for this cake....I usually make all the Birthday Cakes, but this was extra special to him at the time.  So, I filled out the paper work, picked out the filling and waited patiently for 2 days to pick it up.
 I went to 3 stores and couldn't find a #5 candle.  So, I told him he was my #1 Birthday Boy.  He bought it, but only after he told me that Skylar was really #1 because he was the oldest.  :)
 Yummmmmmmmmmy!!!!!  He ate the cake, licked the cake, he even wore the cake.  And that was okay with me, he was happy and that's what matters most.  Love you Kaden!

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