It looks like today is Yellow day.....but, it's not. He just happens to be wearing yellow, playing with the yellow connect 4 chips and eating buttered popcorn. :D
Do we have color coordinated days? Oooooooh heck yeah we do!!! Kaden will strike a mood and decide he can't eat this because it's not a primary color or it's too bright. How the heck can food be to bright? To Kaden it can be, it's not a normal thing for Kaden to just out of the blue decide something is not on his food to eat list. These are aversions we have dealt with since he was almost 2.
He is almost 6, so I try to pick battles and I have gotten pretty good at determining what is 5 year old behavior and what is an Autism stumbling block. His eating 99% of the time is a stumbling block. Most of the time if he says to me my broccoli touched my chicken I can't eat it now. I will say to him. Ok, finish your potatoes for me. Then I would ask him could he have at least 2 bites of both the broccoli and chicken. Most of the time he will say ok, but that it would hurt. I would acknowledge him and tell him he needs the nutrition. He is very rule based, so I use that to my advantage. Sometimes he will try and wheel and deal with me. He will want 4 bites of broccoli and no chicken. He loves most veggies, thank goodness.
I do not cook special meals for him, unless I know he can't tolerate something. For instance soup freaks him out. Maybe it;s everything hanging out in the same liquid. I don't know..... But, if we eat that I will probably make a little something for him, but still present him with a small serving of soup. He has surprised me before and taken a bite or two.