We were Invaded last night by a little Green Man.........a Leprechaun!!! Kaden was so excited to wake up and see little tiny foot prints leading to a loot of Gold chocolate.
This is my first year doing anything like this for him, because he really wasn't able to focus on any real tradition or have excitement towards anything that didn't include a chess move or sequence of objects. But, the past year we have seen so much progress.
Of course he needed to investigate. He just knew it was paint and had to take a closer look. But after careful observation he noticed it was slimy like soap. Oh no...........
I used a Max Steel boot and diluted soap colored with green food coloring. Luckily Kaden's investigation wasn't too long, because the Loot of Chocolate Covered Coins at the end of the trail was to tempting!!!!! I guess the Luck of the Irish was on my side this morning!! :)
Rocco was our Leprechaun Guard Dog. I think it was a tough night for him. Luckily the Leprechaun got away and was on his way to the next house.
I loved your description of how Asperger's affects Kaden. I can relate to so many of those things. Whenever there are changes in my life, I experience a lot of anxiety. I have to take medication for it. I do not feel comfortable in social settings. I do not understand the rules of social interaction. I never had any friends as a child because I didn't know how to talk to other kids or interact with them. I have a sensitivity to loud noises. I do not go to concerts. Even a fire truck going by will cause me to become dizzy and disoriented. I try to block out noise whenever I can. I like to play chess. I am very rule-oriented. People tell me I'm very meticulous. On my apptitude test, I received the highest score in the section on "Logic." I guess this is why I feel such a close connection to Kaden. I know how he feels. By the way, I absolutely love the picture of Kaden under the shopping cart. That is so adorable. I really love this kid.