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Friday, August 23, 2013

Bringing ABA into Our Homeschool Room

Art Project during our Unit Study of Japan
Having Kaden's ABA therapist over for a morning of Homeschooling was awesome.  She was able to see how a typical school day fits into our already busy day.  I have to say Kaden was on his BEST behavior in the beginning.  He did extra math and didn't complain when it was time to work on his handwriting.  I was thinking she should just pack up her bags and move on in.  :)  So, half way through her visit I pulled her aside while he was in the potty to let her in on the Gig he was pulling. ;)  She knew and figured that that's how it would be.  After the "Potty Accident" (a whole other story) she went into the front room to work on some paper work.  She probably was just settled on the couch when he started to walk around the table, looking all around, getting frustrated and basically not wanting to finish the project we had started.  Bingo, I found Kaden!!  :)

I started thinking, ok if he can behave and keep focused for an hour while she is here, why can't he do it when she isn't.  I mean I only do maybe 2 hours of school with him as it is.  It's all about the structure and he knows what she expects and what comes next when it comes to routine.  I'm not good with routine, especially with school work.  My goal this year is to become more routine oriented when it comes to his school day.

After I talked to her a few days later, she had a list of things we could work on.  Number one thing is his independence.  I do everything for him, get out his pencil, hold the book, dress him, you name it he needs that attention or guidance.  The other day I let him put on his clothes by himself.  They didn't match and I was like whatever.  But, the shirt was inside out and backwards.  It was a collared shirt.  I was like Kaden!!!!  Isn't that uncomfortable with that collar flapping in your face?????  He said no it was fine and shrugged his shoulders.  :D  You just have to love him!!!  Of course I helped him turn his shirt around and he still wore the  outfit with one striped sock and one of his sister's that was bright white.  I figure you need to pick your battles and take one step at a time!  :)

Making a Japanese Zen Garden
I will start having a BT here with Kaden twice a week in the mornings along with all his afternoon care.  We will have a complete program and I am over the moon about it.  Homeschooling NT Kiddos is soooooo different then a Kiddo on the Spectrum.  I'm learning this just in time.  Reaching him academically is a challenge, he has a total different view of education and how he learns new information.   His mentality is do the important stuff first and get it over as fast as possible.  Nothing really captures him like a typical kiddo.  I made fossils with our dino study awhile back and we did a bone excavation.  He was excited to chip the dirt away and accomplish finding all the bones.  After that was accomplished it was soooo long Mom!  :)  And making the fossils was exciting for Mahala, but Kaden was more concerned about the sizes of each pieces of clay in proportion to each item we were trying to make a fossil with.  :P

The next 6 or 7 years will be very interesting!!!  I'm just thankful to have the ABA support to help me set a great learning foundation as far as his Learning Behavior.  I would strongly suggest if you Homeschool and have a Kiddo on the Spectrum, get as much ABA guidance as possible.  This is a 1st for the ABA Company we use, so this is all new for them.  But, they see the need and are very excited to learn new ways of therapy that they can offer.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Let's Stretch those ABA Hours

We are looking to get more ABA hours for the first part of each day during our Homeschooling time.  Not sure if they are on board to do it, but when I'm on a mission to accomplish something, dang it I get it done!  So today I sat and wrote out during our school time each problem area that I noticed.  Lot's of focus issues and staying in his seat.  Things that my other two kiddos I could say Hey....sit your butt down and let's get to work and they would actually do it.  Kaden, would look at me like I was crazy and probably go into a long explanation for the reason he is doing the behavior that I want to stop along with a lengthy meltdown.  Not such a fun thing, when you are on a tight schedule because you have to be ready for the ABA Team invasion to enter your house.

I would like him to use some of his ABA hours for learning how to be more independent, both with tending to himself and academically.  Now if it works great, if not then at least we tried.  We tried 7 months to get him to not eat with his hands.  Did it work?????  NO!  Do I care?????  NO, but at least we tried and when we go out he tries hard to use some sort of utensil, even if it's toothpicks.  Don't even ask..........

I have some great notes and will be making my point to the Team on Friday.  I hope we can get the hours, fingers crossed!!!  I know for them it might be hard to wrap their heads around the homeschool day setting.  So, watching it in action  should be all they need.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kindness Makes MY World Go Around!!

Today I meet the Kindest Person in line at the Whole Foods Store.  She made a comment about the 20 containers of Rice and Almond milk that I had TOWERING in my cart. :)  I explained Our new diet changes and she asked how it was going.  And then she asked the reason for the switch.  I have to tell you after last weeks Episode of negativity from my fellow Sams Club shoppers I was a bit hesitant.  But, I was welcomed with a caring stream of questions and she even passed on some much needed encouragement and even a Kudos tucked in here and there.  I normally don't need my back stroked with indulgent Praise.  But, after last week a little Love and Acceptance goes a long way.  Here is My FB Post from the other day about what I'm talking about.  

 But, the other day we were at a store. One of the employees was coming into the store with about 20 carts. He was going over the bumpy surface that they had in front of the store. It was loud and annoying for me, for Kaden it was 10x worse. He covered his ears, dropped to the ground, started kicking and screaming to stop. I tried to pick him up and then I decided to let him work through it. Everyone was staring and shaking their heads. I felt bad for Kaden, because he's a great kid and I hated thinking that other people were sending out that negative vibe that he was anything other then the amazzzzing kid I know he is. Then this young guy walked by and said to his girlfriend or wife loud enough for me to hear that that right there is why he will not be having any kids. And older woman came to me and said back when you were a kid I bet you didn't get away with what he's doing, I know I wouldn't have let any of mine behave like this. I have 5 kids and 14 grand-kids. So, I stood there and waited fighting back tears until Kaden was able to get up and all he could say to me was van please. I don't have many interactions like this, but when I do Man do they effect me!!!

Have a Blessed Day!!!!