The other day Mahala sat down with Kaden and played name this face with him. They made different kinds of faces with play-dough and she would make faces and he tried to guess what feeling it represented.
Kaden has a hard time with this. The main emotions he can identify easily are: happy, sad and mad. All others are undetected at this point consistently. Yesterday our ABA therapist came over to do a final assessment and she was shocked at how unaware of body language and facial expression he actually was.
Good News, there are a lot of tools out there that can help him identify what the world is trying to say, one crinkled face at a time. HAHAHAHAHA
I'm excited to finally have a path to follow, not so sure he is. He had no desire to sit and talk with her unless she was giving him skittles or talking about his new nerf gun. Part of me was just thanking God he wanted to talk about a nerf gun and not multiplication facts or Quantum Theory. :)
By the do you teach Quantum Theory to a 5 year old? Where in the heck does he hear about this stuff anyway? :)
What a great way for him to learn and understand. :)