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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Back off My Front Porch with Your Expectations

 Kaden is obsessed with his tablet. He plays chess, word games, mahjong, school work.  You name it, it's there.  It beats bringing a huge entertainment bag I did when my other two were younger.  It was filled with, books, crayons, paper, small tos, cards, stuff like that.  Times have changed....

 He was in a mood the other day and wouldn't get out of his night clothes.  He hardly ever wants to go somewhere and that day I had sooooooo much running around to do.  And needed Skylar's help.  I won't leave Kaden and Mahala home alone yet.  So, we all had to go, which means I had to pick my battles.   After much debating he came with us but he stayed in his "Home Clothes". :)

Which brings me to how I'm feeling toay.  The past few months I have been trying to shift my expectations.  I had to, No more am I going to feel guilty for not doing enough.  Or worry if this decision is right or wrong.  Could I have handled this situation better.  I have a child with a developmental disorder, he needs me.  I need me, my family needs me.  So, back up off my front porch and let me focus on what's important.  Not only do I get judged as a parent with a child who has ASD, but, I judge myself.  I am not going to be my worst enemy anymore.
My house doesn't have to look like it was ripped from the pages of a magazine.  And my days will never be planned out and put into a planner arranged by the hour.  I will always have gray hair sprouting and need to lose more weight then not.  Ok, maybe that's a little exaggerated)  But, one place that I will never cut corners or relax in is taking care of my children.  I will always love them and be there for them. And if from the outside you think it looks crazy or are more then likely right.  I'm just trying to focus on the important things to me, and to me that is the people in my house, not the house itself.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! The people inside the home are far more important:)
