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Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Changes of Autism, Asperger Style

There have been little changes here and there with Kaden.  I have started keeping a written journal.  Especially since I have been without a computer for about a week or so.  I need to write, I have to write.
ABA therapy is helping him so much, yet it also brings out other aspects of Autism we didn't notice before.  Also, some of his obsessions have worsen because of the amount of work he does every day.  It's stressful for him to do everyday.  Even though the therapy may not look like it should be so stressful to the typical person, for him it is.  It would be like having to do 30 hours a week of the one thing you just don't understand.  That would be Math for me.  :)  I would be soooooo stressed and overwhelmed if I had to do Math for 30 hours a week.
So, we are just trying to work the program and be consistent.  I'm thankful for Kaden everyday, I just have to remind myself sometimes that life is different for him.  And it doesn't matter if we take the long way around the park.  As long as we get there happy, healthy and together.... it will be just fine.

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