There was no Silence yesterday! Oh my goodness.....if you were a fly on my wall yesterday you would have begged for a fly zapper.
Kaden had such a wonderful time at his social club and both ABA sessions ran smoothly. All was well in the Manic house. On the way home I had told Kaden he could play star craft, but when we got there Skylar was on the computer talking with a friend on skype. He told Kaden he would be off soon, well Kaden was upset and wanted to rub on Skylar's face and smell him. Which is what he does all the time. He uses his sense of touching people's face and arms and smelling to calm himself or when new things happen unexpectedly. Skylar was not feeling it, because he was on Skype with a friend and yeah it might not be the coolest thing in the world to have your 5 yr old brother rubbing your face and sniffing your hair. He sent him downstairs screaming his head off about how we have ruined his life, he hates himself and wish he was not alive. On a side note I really don't think he was upset over the video game it was the chin rubbing and smelling. And I think not knowing how to transition his emotions and feelings about what was going on.
I couldn't speak any sense into him he was not calming down so I thought I would change the subject a little so I showed him his plate of dinner I had made for him on the table. I had given him two choices earlier, spaghetti or turkey sandwich and chips. He said that he wanted noodles and chips.
When he looked over at the food he became even more angry and started screaming he didn't want sauce. I forget how literal he is, he said noodles and that's what he wanted....just the darn noodles. I think spaghetti.....because I gave him that as a choice. Life with a child on the spectrum is anything but dull.
So then he begins breaking everything in sight......very important things I might add. And then he stops and realizes what he just did and starts overly explaining how this should have been made with metal and that should have not been put together so poorly. I gave him my stunned on my gosh look and then he storms upstairs after I tell him that this behavior is not acceptable and that he has lost his privilege to play any kind of video game the rest of the night and the next day. For the next 2 hours he screams and thrashes around in his room. His sister goes up and tries to redirect his attention. It finally works and then it's bed time and I'm dreading it.
He acts like nothing has happened at all, he goes and showers quickly and gets his night clothes on. He gets on the bed and rolls himself up into a burrito and puts the pillows over his head. Lights out for him and I just stood there like well helloooooooo. I'm over here....your Mom....remember her????
He was asleep in 5 minutes and I was left feeling Deflated, Defeated and Distressed.
Today is a new day, he woke up and acted like nothing ever happened. When he asked to play video games I reminded him that he couldn't and his reply was," oh yeah, I forgot that....ok". It's like he pressed a reset button. Today is a normal Kaden day just like yesterday started out to be. I pray it doesn't end like yesterday though.
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