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Monday, July 23, 2012

Can I Mulitply That Mom?

 Kaden LOVES anything to do with numbers!!!!  Can I multiply those numbers for you Mom?  I hear it every day?  Everyday Kaden asks, "whats this times this?  Do you know if you multiply this with that it will be this?"  I reply....why yes Kaden or no Kaden Mommy wasn't thinking about that right know because she's trying to take a shower. :)  Lord grant me patience......
So, here is his Iguana Factor Game he loves.  I hide it sometimes, because to me a little math goes a loooong way.  :)  If you have a little one who loves to multiply this is a fun game.  And if you have one that struggles in math, this would be a great alternative to constant book work.  We have games for Math, History, Science, Grammar, Writing, you name it I have a game for it.  It just breaks up a normal week of school and allows lots of laughter.  :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Can You See what My Face is Saying to You

 The other day Mahala sat down with Kaden and played name this face with him.  They made different kinds of faces with play-dough and she would make faces and he tried to guess what feeling it represented.
Kaden has a hard time with this.  The main emotions he can identify easily are:  happy, sad and mad.  All others are undetected at this point consistently.  Yesterday our ABA therapist came over to do a final assessment and she was shocked at how unaware of body language and facial expression he actually was. 
Good News, there are a lot of tools out there that can help him identify what the world is trying to say, one crinkled face at a time.  HAHAHAHAHA
I'm excited to finally have a path to follow, not so sure he is.  He had no desire to sit and talk with her unless she was giving him skittles or talking about his new nerf gun.  Part of me was just thanking God he wanted to talk about a nerf gun and not multiplication facts or Quantum Theory.  :)
By the do you teach Quantum Theory to a 5 year old?  Where in the heck does he hear about this stuff anyway?  :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

This is How We Speak

 Kaden went to his first social group last week.  They were working on things to say and things you should keep in your head.  He needs a lot of help in this area.  :)  They watched a video, did a craft and a science project.  The whole time his helper was working with him on asking for things needed on the table and talking with the kids at the table.  The whole time he was earning fruit snacks.  He never acted excited, but I knew he enjoyed himself.  Even if he needed to be flanked with two people at all times just to keep him in the room.  It will get better with time and I feel like we are in the right place.  :)
His ABA therapist is going to meet with us later this week to see what areas he needs the most work in and the best way to go about our timer together.  Twenty-five hours a week plus this social class is a lot of time. 
FYI......Kaden NEVER takes a nap, NEVER!!  But, after 2 hours of this social group we were out of the parking lot 5 minutes and he was knocked out.  :-)  He walked into the house and then collapsed on the couch.  It was the funniest thing EVER!  Bless his heart!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sensory Therapy Disguised as Fun

A new craft project we did the other day!! I have a basket on a lower shelf that Kaden has access to whenever he wants.  It has quick projects, workbooks, small puzzles, tiny models he can build and trinkets from the dollar store.  Well, the other day it was a Bendaroo Day!!!!

Kaden's finished project!!!

Preferred Asperger Activity

One of Kaden's preferred activities is playing video games.  He already saved the princess in Super Mario Bros so now he's tearing up lego batman 2 with a vengeance.  He doesn't just play with one controller he uses two.  He says it's more of a challenge.  :)
Well, you go Kaden....Mom's going to sit back, cheer you on  and watch you with her iced coffee.  I give him another week and this game will be won.  And when he wins or solves a video game he refuses to play it anymore.  Not even his Sister can get him to play it again.  He's like that with puzzles too, which is why I buy most of them at yard sales or swap out with friends.
I'm thankful he's not like that with card games or his chess set.  HAHAHAHA
What's some of your Kid's preferred activities?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Normal Day with Aspergers

What was today like?  Busy, busy busy....that's all I can say. Kaden has been so into his video games this weekend. It's like shifts. He plays then works in his math work books. Plays and then does a craft with me. Plays and then eats, plays a little more and works in his workbooks. I mean you get the picture.....
 Today he finished 2, 52 page workbooks. So, he's been busy and I feel guilty because sometimes I feel he has his "own" routine and almost doesn't need me on days like today when he's "wired with a purpose".
 Am I making any sense? :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Music...Kaden Style

Kaden loves to play on our keyboard.  I get the pleasure of hearing his amazing musical talents just about everyday.  Here is a little taste, you may want to turn the volume down.  :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Back off My Front Porch with Your Expectations

 Kaden is obsessed with his tablet. He plays chess, word games, mahjong, school work.  You name it, it's there.  It beats bringing a huge entertainment bag I did when my other two were younger.  It was filled with, books, crayons, paper, small tos, cards, stuff like that.  Times have changed....

 He was in a mood the other day and wouldn't get out of his night clothes.  He hardly ever wants to go somewhere and that day I had sooooooo much running around to do.  And needed Skylar's help.  I won't leave Kaden and Mahala home alone yet.  So, we all had to go, which means I had to pick my battles.   After much debating he came with us but he stayed in his "Home Clothes". :)

Which brings me to how I'm feeling toay.  The past few months I have been trying to shift my expectations.  I had to, No more am I going to feel guilty for not doing enough.  Or worry if this decision is right or wrong.  Could I have handled this situation better.  I have a child with a developmental disorder, he needs me.  I need me, my family needs me.  So, back up off my front porch and let me focus on what's important.  Not only do I get judged as a parent with a child who has ASD, but, I judge myself.  I am not going to be my worst enemy anymore.
My house doesn't have to look like it was ripped from the pages of a magazine.  And my days will never be planned out and put into a planner arranged by the hour.  I will always have gray hair sprouting and need to lose more weight then not.  Ok, maybe that's a little exaggerated)  But, one place that I will never cut corners or relax in is taking care of my children.  I will always love them and be there for them. And if from the outside you think it looks crazy or are more then likely right.  I'm just trying to focus on the important things to me, and to me that is the people in my house, not the house itself.